Sundays are for Jesus & Football

I love Sundays, especially this time of the year because FOOTBALL. And today is Super Bowl Sunday of all days, so it's extra fun & festive. Plus, any day that starts with going to church with my little fam & filling up our hearts with God's love is the best day in my book.
Today is all about matching with my mini, eating yummy food (not the healthiest, but it's okay cuz I've been good all week, so a little indulging won't hurt), a few good drinks (champs for me cuz it's my fave & it has less calories than wine, crazy right!?) & of course the Half Time Show, oh and football! Go Falcons (only because hubby would kill me if I even mention the other team).

I figured this would be a perfect post to sum up our top 5 favorite things right now so here it goes...


  • Thank God fantasy football is over, but football season is not which I actually enjoy more now that fantasy is DONE, but I am so proud my hubs was the champ for the 2nd year in a row in his league


  • We've been really loving our church and decided to join a fun connect group for couples & we LOVE it, we'er reading the book "Sacred Marriage" as a group and it gives such an interesting perspective on love and marriage. It is SOOO important to purposeful time & effort into your relationship & we can definitely see and feel the results already.
    my loveeeeeee
    Such a good read!
3. GYM
  • The gym is our new happy place! Camila loves the Kids Klub, her teacher Ms. Daisy and dressing up in her mini gym attire. I am loving having a trainer and never realized what a HUGE difference it makes. Plus the stair master is my new bff :)

    my cheeks get so RED!

    lets go play!

    gym swag
  • As always hanging with the people we love is our favorite! My mommy and besties came to visit in the last month and it was amazing, there's nothing quite like chillin with your girls for hours and not even realize time is passing by. Camila LOVES girl chat & swears she knows exactly what we're talking about and tries to chime in.
    Titi & Mimi


    Birthday Party primas <3

    Frozen Party

    Manita Mia

    Mama bear <3

    Abuelita love

    the usual mirror pic

  • I've been loving trying some new, healthy recipes that don't even seem like they should be considered "healthy" but they are and SOOOO GOOD!
    Garlic and Rosemary Spaghetti Squash with Chicken and Roma Tomatoes
    Preheat oven to 375
    Poke holes along the middle of spaghetti squash and microwave for 7 minutes
    Cut along the holes and scoop out seeds
    Sprinkle halves of spaghetti squash with salt, pepper, mince garlic and rosemary
    Bake @ 375 for 45 minutes
    Season chicken breast with salt, pepper, garlic, oregano
    Add chicken, sliced tomatoes and onions to lightly oiled baking dish
    Bake @ 375 for 45 minutes

    Parmesan Zucchini & Squash
    Pre heat oven to 350
    Cut up zucchini & squash into desired shape and size
    Season with minced garlic, salt, pepper
    Bake at 350 for 30 minutes
    Sprinkle parmesan cheese all over the top and broil for 5 minutes

    & of course today I'm making my traditional baked mac n' cheese because that's what everyone always requests lol 

    Hope you all enjoy a beautiful day with your loved ones & wishing you a blessed week ahead!


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