Camila's 18 Month Update

Camila Carolina Cruz
18 months have come & gone and our little Camila is already 1 and a half. It has been such an amazing time as she grows & develops her little personality.
She totally encompasses what a toddler is. Never stops running, dancing, singing and talking unless she is eating or sleeping. She is also LOVING copying mommy and is literally my mini-me. Doing our "make-up", "cooking" in her kitchen, reading books, & singing and dancing in the mirror are some of our very favorite things to do. She also has gotten a hang of saying "no" to everything & eating only 1/4 of her meals & then begging for more within the hour, let's just say I live in the kitchen & cooking & feeding her is my full time job, amongst other things like full time maid, entertainer, nurse, stylist, momager, etc (but I wouldn't trade it for the world).

Here are some new fun facts about our lovely little girl...

Sleep: Camila is still a great sleeper thank God! Only bad thing is she is SUPER spoiled & has a really hard time falling asleep anywhere but her crib, with the lights out & her white noise machine on. She is a pro at staying up super late (as long as she's entertained) & sleeping in the next morning. On a regular day she is up by 7:30am, naps from 1-3:00pm & then is down for bed by 8pm. 

Feeding: LOVES her fruits( apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, oranges) & veggies(broccoli, carrots, peas, asparagus, green beans, tomatoes, cucumber), chicken, turkey & salmon are her fave proteins. Don't be fooled though, your girl can get down with pizza, chicken nuggets, sweet potato fries, tacos & rice and beans. Drinks 3 8oz bottles of almond milk daily!

Weight: 23 lbs

Length: 30 1/2 "

Diaper size: still size 4

Clothes size:  18-24 months

Hair color:  brown

Eye color: black

Milestones: puts on her shoes, eats with a fork, unzips & takes off her coat, talks A LOT, verbally choses between 2 things ("apple" or "banana"), has all her teeth & most molars, knows & says her body parts, loves to play pretend with her baby, follows 2-step commands ("dame tu lele/give me your milk"), knows all of our family members names.

Favorite toy: kitchen, piano, dancing robot, books, mr. potato head, "make-up", anything "Frozen".

Loves: her "lele", "agua" & "zapatos", going to play @ "school",  saying I love you aka "I too too",  all things fuzzy/furry, Frozen "Go" (because of "Let it Go"), Minnie Mouse, Sofia "Fia", Elena (literally asks for "Elena" all day), singing & dancing, nursery rhymes (wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, old mcdonald), being tickled, group hugs, playing tag and peek-a-boo, saying "hola" to EVERYONE, making silly faces, making new friends, making a mess with her food, her grandmas, FaceTiming, Delilah & reading "I Love You Stinky Face" every night before bed(she calls it "but mama"). 


practicing our kissy faces

on our way to the airport!

mommy & me

Santas Helper

trying to zip up my zipper

off to school!

playing with fur sissy

zoned out

twinning with mama

loving my lele

showing off my kicks

eating @ school


snack time

reading books is my fave

about to KO


pretty girl

my precious

Broccoli for the win!


playing with her new toys


"ho ho ho" as she calls him


rice & beans lover
silly face expert


loving her new beanie

playing puzzles

asking mama to "abre agua"

helping mama clean 

puppy filter

playing with friends @ school

yay for church!
chocolate milk yumminess 

& that's what my cutie pie has been up to lately. She is the most fun, loving, bubbly little girl & I feel so blessed to be her mama & to get to watch her grow up. Thank you Lord for the biggest blessing in my life.

My dear baby girl,
Words can't describe how much you mean to me. It is amazing to look at life through your eyes. I learn so much from you every day. You've recently taught me to forgive & forget and love so easily. You are so smart, independent, loving, caring, emotional, observant & hilarious to say the least. I am so proud of you and look forward to each & every day with you my love. I love you with all my heart Camila.
 Love always & forever,

Hope you all enjoyed a piece of my heart & our lives these past few months!


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