21 Day Challenge

My "WHY" <3
So with a Spring Break in the Caribbean around the corner & lot's of days at the pool, beach and tanning ahead I feel it's time for a 21 day challenge! I want to stay accountable and focused so I thought this is the perfect place to share my plans & encourage any of you who want to join me. I'm choosing 3 things to "detox" & also add into my routine for 21 days and possibly forever.
I've decided to choose 1 drink, 1 food, and 1 activity for my challenge. For a drink I've chosen sugary beverages (juice, soda, fruity drinks,  and added sugar in coffee or tea), for food I've chosen bread (this is actually really hard for me because Camila loves it so I always take a few nibbles here & there) and for activity I've chosen to wake up 45 minutes before Camila every morning so I can get some "me" time in the morning and get back to reading my bible & devotionals. This is definitely the one I am most excited about because although it'll be really hard for me since I try to soak up every minute of sleep I can, I just love when I can start the day by brushing my teeth, washing my face, moisturizing, drinking my tea & reading my bible and journaling. Wish me luck & if you're ready to start your own "detox" or "21 day challenge" please let me know and let's help each other through it. The whole idea behind choosing 21 days is that it takes 21 days to build or break a habit, but I know from experience it also takes a lot of support & encouragement so lets do it together!

Cheers to a happier & healthier US!

We're leaving for a little romantic getaway to the poconos tomorrow, so it will definitely put my challenge to the test with all the yummy food everywhere! I am so excited for some time away with my boo (even though I'm so nervous about leaving Camila for the very first time, but I know she's in the best hands with grandma).



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