Easter Recap

Easter has come & gone, but the best thing about Easter is that it's all about the gift that keeps on giving. We are so blessed because God gave his one and only son, so that we may have eternal life. That is the best news I've ever heard. To top off this amazing time it was BEAUTIFUL all week long here in NY and we certainly made the most of it! Hubby was off from work for Spring Break and Camila & I got spoiled by having him home and taking us out everyday. We squeezed in a trip to Central Park, the Botanical Garden, the Zoo & of course we spent ALL of Easter day outside enjoying the 85 degree weather. We are definitely making the MOST of our last months here in NYC.

& here's a little recap of our Easter <3

Posing before the park :)

Eating her fruit <3



LOVED the NY Botanical Garden

My Princess

Mila said "patoooooo quack quack"

playing with the Cherry Blossoms
kissy face showing off her "lalo"
(pinta labio, lipstick in Spanish)

ready to head off to the Zoo

Climbing up the tree in the Children's Zoo


Daddy's Girl


So pretty

Loving Life

mi gordis

Gorilla babies & their mommies breastfeeding *heart melted*
Mommy's Night Out :P

Brittany <3

Denise <3

Emily <3


Easter Morning <3

Checkin' out her goodies

swing life

Happy Easter

sidewalk chalk = amazing idea

my girlz

my cuteness


Camila & her little friend Raine

bubbles w mama

my heart


Nino painted a "Booonieee" for Coshi
<3 by: Robert Perez aka Nino

Painting Eggs

After painting eggs, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, swinging, Easter Egg Hunt, planting a sunflower and dancing it was time for Mila to take a nap while the adults enjoyed some bbq and beverages. It was an AMAZING Easter & it is always thanks to our Heavenly Father. Thank you Jesus for this life of mine & I pray that each and every one of you had a blessed Easter & even more blessed rest of the year.

Love you all!



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