The Princess Has Arrived !

Hello loves,

I can't believe I am writing with my princess laying right next to me and not in my belly! Camila is finally here and her long awaited arrival has been quite the story to tell. This has been the most magical, exhausting and beautiful experience in the world. Everyone tried to explain to us how it would feel, but it is a truly indescribable feeling and you can only understand once you've lived through it. I am so beyond grateful and thankful for all of the amazing blessings we have received since Camila has been home. Overwhelming amounts of love, support, guidance, food, open hands, and so much more from all of our family and friends. I really don't know what I would do without everyones help.
Now here is our birth story...

Camila's Birth Story:

Our due date of July 4th came and went as we celebrated my mommy's birthday and independence day with a full out bbq/pool party. All day I just felt the usual, braxton hicks contractions, tired but nothing major, I knew Camila was still not ready to come.
40 Weeks- "Can't Wait to Say Our Little Firecracker Is On The Way"


The following day we continued to relax, watch movies and BBQ again. Still no signs of Camila...
The morning of Monday, July 6th we had an early ultrasound and biophysical profile appointment and headed to the hospital to get checked out. My mom, Logan (like a little brother) and hubby came with me. When they started the exam, my blood pressure was high and Camila was looking a little "sleepy" on the monitor so they continued checking routinely for about an hour. As time went by my BP was still high and they decided that I could not go home and that I would be getting induced immediately!
Getting Checked during our BPP
My heart began to race, I was nervous, scared, excited, so many emotions at once. Originally I did not want to be induced because of the increased rate of c-sections after induction, but at this point I had no choice due to my high blood pressure and Camila's low activity levels. We were then taken to our birthing room, prepped for induction and before you know it I had an IV in place, monitors all strapped to me and a Cytotec (medicine that helps dilate the cervix) placed in me. Within 3 hours I dilated from 1cm to 4cm! At this point, contractions were strong and painful, but still tolerable. After my doctor saw I was dilating so quickly she ordered Pitocin ( strong, mean, horrible, drug). As soon as Pitocin was administered everything changed drastically. The pain went from 0-100 REAL QUICK!  We used our birthing ball, essential oils, meditation playlists, massage, but as they continued to increase the Pitocin, the pain became too much. My hubby was so amazing during this time and just kept comforting me and doing all of the things I asked and that we practiced in preparation for this day. After about 6 hours of laboring, I couldn't handle the pain any longer. I got an epidural around 4:30 pm (which did not hurt at all because I was too focused on my contractions every 20 seconds) and then I was finally able to breathe and rest. I took about an hour nap and then got checked again and was still 4cm. After 2 hours I got checked again and was only 4 1/2 cm dilated. Around 7:00pm I got checked one last time and unfortunately had not dilated any further. My doctor was worried due to my blood pressure and babies movement and ordered a C-Section. I was emotional and upset at the time because C-Section was the last thing I wanted, but after some comforting words from my cousins, mom, dad and hubby I pulled myself together, applied some makeup and was ready to meet my princess! As I was wheeled off into the operating room, I was very scared, but the nurses, anesthesiologist and doctors were expressive and explained everything every step of the way. Once my hubby came in the room I felt so much better. He just kissed me and told me he loved me and everything made sense and I was at peace with the decision of having a c-section.  The surgery began at 8pm and by 8:18pm Camila was out of my belly and screaming her little heart out. Hearing her cry and seeing her little self was the most unbelievably amazing feeling in the world. After the nurses cleaned her up and daddy cut her umbilical cord they brought her over to me and immediately she started breast feeding. That was such a special and bonding moment that I will never forget. By 8:48pm the surgery was over and I was on my way to the recovery room to see my baby and all of our family and friends. There were about 40 people in the lobby waiting to meet Camila. At 11:00 pm we were taken to the family birthplace room and everyone was able to come in and meet the princess.We were able to keep our baby with us at all times for the next 3 days and did some major bonding as a brand new family of 3.
I'm here!!!!

Strong lungs from the beginning!

Daddy cutting the chord

First time holding the princess

Officially "Cruz Party of Three"

Princess Baby, My MINI-ME :)

Mommy & Me

Camila Carolina Cruz

I'm Fierce

Eating daddy's beard


Sleeping with daddy

After 3 days at the hospital it was time to take Camila home and we were so excited to start our new life with our princess.
Off we go! Thank you Memorial West, love you!

Ridin home :)

Life at home with Camila has been full of sleepless days, lots of pipi and poopies, breastfeeding, pumping and an infinite amount of love, kisses, cuddles and cuteness. Camila is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined and I thank God every day for this amazing blessing He has given us. She is such a sweet, peaceful baby girl until you mess with her milk, don't even think about it lol

Camila Stats:

Sleep: Babygirl is sleeping between 4-5 hours ( we have to wake her up to feed after 5 hours)

Feeding: Drinks about 4oz of breast milk per feeding, sometimes a little more/less. We are strictly breast feeding/ pumping. 

Weight: 6lbs 15.5 oz (gained 2.5 oz since birth)

Length:  19.5 inches (gained .5 in since birth)

Diaper size:  still in newborn :)

Clothes size:  newborn

Hair color:  brown

Eye color: black

Milestones: lifts head up, takes both hands out of swaddle, looks for mommy and daddys voices

Firsts: Doctors appt, photo shoot, trip to Target

Favorite toy: Wubanub & Soother/Rocker

I like to cover my face while I take a break from eating :)


love to smile

happy baby

love my grandparents

more smiles

hello world


with my vday present from daddy

with my mommy
play date with Greyson

Tia's come to visit me all the time <3

Simply Adorable

I'm a cutie from bow to toe

Titi Mariel loves me

bedtime zzz

Off to the doctors!

Headed to the doctors

I love my pediatrician Dr. Gonzalez

Mi abuelita feeding me my first bottle
I love my Tio's fishies
bathtime fun
my daddy makes me laugh
Mommy loves to kiss my feet
Behind the scenes at our photo shoot

Hello kitty lover
Sissy always watching me 

Mommy Updates:
Me & my mini-me

Adjusting to life as a mommy is quite a roller coaster of emotions. I feel an overwhelming amount of love for this new precious being and I don't know what to do with it all. I just kiss her and sing to her and tell her all day long. My body is still going through so many changes, but I can say that breast feeding has helped me slowly but surely begin to get back to "normal" by contracting my uterus every time I feed. I am drinking water non-stop all day to increase my milk supply, as well as hot chocolate, oatmeal water, mothers milk tea, motherlove pills, and malta morena all prepared by my aunts, mom and mother in law. I had to wait 1 week to start wearing my waist trainer due to the c-section, but am now wearing it for about 8 hours a day and am starting on the 2nd hook today. I have to wait another month to do any type of work out, so for now breast feeding is my main source of calorie burning. 
I will continue to keep you all posted with life with Camila, mommy updates and just life in general. 
I love sharing all of these special moments on my blog. 

Day 1 of faja life

Mommy & Daddy

First glass of wine, YAY!


Now off to get my nails done & then eat some sancocho made by hubbys grandma, & of course pump, feed, change diapers on repeat lol  :) 

Sending lots of love & light, wishing this week is full of happiness and peace for everyone!



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