Our next MOVE!

Our Next Big Move

We are beginning the moving process once again! We are trusting in God with a new transition for our family back to the SUNSHINE STATE! This makes me feel so many emotions all at once, but I know God is in control and everything in His hands. I am happy because we will be back in my old stomping grounds where I know where everything is, how to drive around, we'll be close to my brothers, cousins and all of my best friends and of course we can't wait to enjoy the warm weather and weekends at the pool, beach, grilling out and tanning. Don't get me wrong I'm also pretty sad because we will be leaving our loving family here in New York. It has been so nice living with family  and always having loved ones around (we live in the basement apartment of my mother in laws house). My mother in law is such an amazing woman who loves us and helps us so much and my sister in law (Camila's Godmother) is like my best friend who just happens to be my husbands sister and lives in the same house as me. I'm gonna miss them soooooo much, but they will be visiting all the time so it will all be okay. I'm also going to miss being home with Camila all the time because I will officially be starting my clinicals for grad school and working part time. So the next month will consist of packing, apartment hunting, looking into daycares and soaking up the last month and a half of staying home with my princess 24/7. This time in New York has been such a blessing for our family. Lots of sacrifices were made so that I could stay home with Mila, but it was ALL SO WORTH IT. We are excited for what's ahead & would appreciate any advice & lots of prayers please!

I found this little packing organizer & have only gotten started on the moving folder, PRAY FOR ME!
So many good moving tips on Pinterest 



1 commentaires:

  1. Good Luck!! Will pray for you guys! Hugs and Kisses


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