Sprinkling Love All Around

Pink, hearts & love all around. What is not to love about Valentine's Day?! I wish it was acceptable to decorate with pink and hearts and write love letters to everyone all year round! Even though Vday is a commercial holiday, I'm a sucker for decorating, dressing up and festivity so here are some of the fun ways we've been celebrating the month of L O V E. 

festive food:
Yummy lovie lunch :)
This is our "go-to" breakfast lately!
Eggs, toast, strawberries & blueberries

Heart Shaped pancakes of course 

I just made big pancakes
& cut out heart shapes using my heart shaped cookie cutter :)

pink, red & hearts decor:
pillows from Target a few years ago!

be MINE!
our fave toy!
(really my fave toy because it looks so pretty,
 hides so many toys in there & secretly is exactly how I want my kitchen to look!)

heart garland from Target & polaroids of our L O V E S 

Camila's corner with some of her VDAY books
<3 From Target last year <3

T A R G E T :)
Do All Things With LOVE
from TJ Maxx <3

oil burning station <3

pink piggies &wearing as much pink/red/hearts as possible:
sticker OBSESSED right now

milk in mami & papi's bed <3

i LOVE you

enjoy the warm weather for 1 day!

my cuteness

Sun was in her eyes 8)

pink piggies <3
Definitely a big one crossed off my little girl dreams checklist!

jammie time

my L O V E

dropping love notes in our "love mailbox":
We've been filling up our little mailbox with cute notes to each other,
jokes, and love all month & we plan on reading them all on VDAY!

stickers, books, arts & crafts:
Fun crafts all materials from Target $ Spot or Dollar Store

I love that she LOVES to read


Crafty Girl


So focused!

Adding some SPARKLE!

Mila & Mami get covered in stickers all day everyday :D

Hope you got some inspiration for making this season of love even more filled with love than usual.

Sending lots of hugs & kisses!
& WARMTH to everyone who is also snowed in like us! We're contemplating building our very own SNOWMAN in honor of Camila's Frozen obsession, gotta make the most of it :)


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