New Year = New Word

So I've been thinking a lot about what I want my word to be this year and I've finally figured it out! My word is going to be kind of a mixture of two words because I want to minimize the excess stuff I have (clutter, shopping, stress, spending) and maximize what's important (time with family & friends, health, peace, purpose etc.) So the word is "MINIMAX"-minimize the stuff, maximize life.  I am so excited to declutter, donate A LOT of stuff, clean, organize and say NO to buying more things & YES to enjoying life more and having more freedom to do things that really matter.

Now, although I am definitely going to cut back on spending (because I realized that by controlling my impulsive buying I can save about $150 a week) I am still Arianna & I just wouldn't be me without a little new sparkle & shine around the house, in my closet or on Camila (most likely) every now and then. And speaking of new stuff here's a little look at some of Camila's Christmas gifts & some of my fave gifts I got for my birthday & Christmas this year!

Camila LOVES reading in her tee-pee every night <3

This bike from Tio Carlin & Titi Yari is SO adorable!
Can't wait to use it more when it gets warmer, but for now were strolling around inside the house.

I might be even more obsessed with this little corner than Mila
This kitchen from her Nina is exactly what I want MY kitchen to look like!

She is LOVING dancing all day long with her dancing robot from Tio Alex

This little table and chair set from Tio Adrian & Titi Stephy is THE BEST idea ever!

These are some of my FAVE birthday & Christmas gifts
"I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom" mug/Gym membership & Personal Trainer/Adidas Sandals
Homemade scrubs & body butter/ Pandora charms/ Polaroid Camera
Adidas gym bag/Essential Oil Diffuser & Oils

Thank you to everyone who got me these heart felt gifts, you know who you are!

 Now that I got super spoiled in December, I am so ready to MINIMAX in 2017, because thank The Lord I have everything I need and more than I could ever ask. I've really learned lately that things are just things, but what REALLY matters is the love & time we share with others. So cheers to 2017 & maximizing what's important in life & minimizing all the extra fluff.



1 commentaires:

  1. Great concept to combine the words like that! I posted my resolutions to my blog so I would be more accountable! Good luck with yours and happy new year.


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