What Our Halloween Looked Like

Halloween has come & gone and I'm already missing it! Today was spent putting all of our halloween decor away in bins and bringing out thanksgiving. Now if only I can get rid of all of the Halloween candy so I don't keep snacking on it every 10 minutes (we didn't have as many trick or treaters as anticipated so this is dangerous for me lol) My little pumpkin had such a fun day & was saying "twi to twi" all day long! We went to the Halloween Party at her daycare which was SOOO adorable & unfortunately she skipped her morning nap which led to her being super sleepy and cranky by 5 (which was when we originally intended to go trick or treating). After nap time, it was too late for trick or treating so we just stayed home waiting for trick or treaters, playing Halloween music and eating some yummy food grandma made. Overall it was such a fun day & although everything didn't go according to plan I wouldn't have it any other way.

Now here's what our Halloween looked like...

Boo Face

Girls Night Halloween Sleep Over

Wine & Pumpkin socks

My little boo staying up late the night before Halloween

Camila's Minnie Pumpkin

Some DIY costume fun

"It's Pumpkin Day!"

 My little rascal
On the way to the daycare party!

Mila & Grandma

Trick or Treat!

Delilah was a pumpkin too!

ScareCrow Lovinnnn'

Cutest Pumpkin in the Patch

We ended our evening with my fave movie & called it a night pretty early because holidays are EXHAUSTING!
Perfect ending to the night!

Hope everyone had an amazing Halloween! Now let's bring on the Holiday season, but first a 2 week trip to DR, yay! 


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