Pumpkin Life Update

Hi loves,

I have totally neglected my little blog these past couple of weeks & school and a sick baby are totally to blame. We have still been able to sneak in some pumpkin fun into our lives and that is exactly what I needed to get my mind off of the overwhelming school work and not so much fun side of caring for a sickling. Pumpkin patch, dinner in the city, park dates, wine, pumpkin decorating, brunching, cold days, fall recipes, shopping and Hocus Pocus have been the highlights of the past couple of weeks.

Mi Pumpkin
The Cruzies

Cutest Pumpkins

Date Night Outfit

When it's cold, we wear fuzzy hats 

Taking Delilah for a ride

Wine on the front lawn with leaves everywhere is pretty dreamy

Baked Brie
Recipe is actually so easy:
Brie Cheese (we used Presidente brand)
Puff Pastry
Fruit preserve of choice (I usually love apricot or peach)
Place cheese on center of pastry, spread jam all over the cheese,
and close up pastry by folding all sides in
Brush 1 whisked egg over pastry
Bake in oven for 35 minutes at 375 degrees
Serve with fruit, crackers & nuts of choice!
Pumpkin Decorating Party Supplies

Taco Tuesday-aka Hubby's favorite day of the week
These baked buffalo chicken tacos were BOMB & so simple!
Grill 2 chicken breasts on pan with seasoning of choice (salt, pepper, garlic, paprika is my go-to"
Shred chicken with fork & knife or blender and set aside
Make buffalo sauce with 6 oz cream cheese, 3 tbsp butter & 1/2 cup of Frank's Red Hot Sauce
Warm sauce on pan until all ingredients are melted then add chicken!
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Fill taco shells with chicken mixture & top with mexican cheese
Bake for 15 minutes (keep an eye because you don't want them to burn)
Serve with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cilantro & more cheese :P
oh & a Margarita!

My set-up for movie night

Fall fashion is my fave !


Chicken Alfredo Lasagna Roll Ups
2 chicken breasts, lightly seasoned, baked at 375 for 30 minutes,
pulled apart with fork & knife or blender
Coat chicken with 1/2 can of alfredo sauce
(or I prefer homemade alfredo sauce-milk, butter, mozzarella, cheddar, parmesan, flour, salt & pepper to taste)
Boil lasagna noodles and let dry & cool
Spread chicken & alfredo mixture onto noodle, roll up and place edge facing down in baking dish
Repeat with all noodles, pour remaining sauce over all roll-ups, sprinkle cheese and bake uncovered for 30 minutes at 375
Garnish with parsley & serve
SOOOO delicious
Dinner in the city for Emi's bday

park love

prosecco & pumpkins

"It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus"

& we are so excited that next week is Halloween!!! The rest of the week is filled with some exciting festivities such as pumpkin carving, finishing last minute details on our costumes, baking cupcakes, a Spooky Girls Night Sleepover & packing up some trick or treat baggies for our trick or treaters (we plan on trick or treating nice & early in the afternoon when hubby gets out of work, and then waiting at home to hand out our goodie bags for our trick or treaters while enjoying some refreshments ;).

Wishing you all a beautiful rest of the week!
Sending lots of peace & love your way.

Oh & incase you didn't know, Camila is OFFICIALLY walking everywhere aka things just got REALLLLL interesting! hahaha Pray for me!

15 month update coming soon!



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