Our Weekend

My Weekend Warriors
We had a really nice, busy & at the same time relaxing weekend around here. I started off "TGIF" by spending the whole day studying & working on some homework & projects @ Starbs. When I about had it with school work & coffee, I still had some time on my meter so I wandered the around the cute little strip in Bronxville and found the most adorable book store & baby boutique and of course HAD to get a few things for my little. Some books, toys and bows later I came home & we got the grill fired up right away. After we enjoyed some BBQ, princess went to bed & mommy and daddy caught up on POWER (fave show right now). Saturday we went to the city(which was SOO packed because of NYFW) and had lunch with some of hubbys family & walked the beautiful HighLine, amazing day with amazing people. Sunday, Mila and I had a mommy/daughter breakfast date at Barnes and Nobles and spent the whole morning reading books and eating muffins. I must say that was probably the highlight of my weekend. After naps, we headed to an adorable Peppa Pig 3rd Birthday and I swear Mila thought she was one of the big girls. I can already see how she was looking up to all of the older little ladies and I can't help but wonder what she will be like as a big girl some day, (tear tear).

Here are some snaps of our weekend by the Camera Roll:
Enjoying her first lollipop

Enjoying my Stella :P

after meeting some of hubby's family for lunch we walked the HighLine

My princess & me matching at the Bday Party

Dinner was so yummy & easy
Steak on the grill is just SOO much better!

Barnes & Nobles date

My Delicious

My Big Girl wearing her Red White & Blue

Overall we had an amazing weekend & I cannot believe next weekend is the OFFICIAL last weekend of summer! What plans do you all have to say goodbye to summer with a bang?

P.S. I looked through my box of Fall Decor & I am definitely in need of a few new pieces! Heading to Target & Home Goods this week, wish me luck (or really wish my hubbys bank account luck ;)

Cheers to a beautiful & blessed week ahead!


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