Coffee, Pray, Repeat: Sweet, Sweet School Daze

The beginning of the school year has hit me pretty hard with TONS of schoolwork & not enough time in the day. I never realized that being in school while juggling baby, hubby, blog & home would be very different than when I was 21, no baby & barely had a care in the world (although I always managed to get straight A's).  I'm definitely in a school daze that has me working really hard to stay organized & on top of things. With Camila also being in "school" I really am feeling the whole "back to school" vibes (even though she only goes once or twice a week). The days Mila goes to school are actually my busiest days because I try to cram in so much homework, studying, reading, laundry, cleaning, meal prep, etc. I am trying my best to stay organized & the best and only way I know how to do that is by planning out my week in my planner and then everyday writing a "to-do-list" of what has to get done & in what order. I must say that the days Camila is in school I miss her sooooo bad, but at the same time it is CRAZY how much you can get done when their is not a little person following your every move. When Camila is at school you can usually find me in here...

Our little comfy, cozy office
& This is what I usually look like on "school days", which is every day for me...aka "hot mess" lol!
"Pray, Coffee, Repeat" all day long!
This tee is from BeStillClothing &
they are just about to have a summer blow-out sale starting Monday, yay!

Here's my little princess so far every day before school...

I wish I could take one of those little surveys of her answering questions at the beginning of the school year, but obviously we can't do that just yet so I'll just answer some for her & for me too...

School Year Survey:
Name-Camila Carolina Cruz
Grade- Daycare
Favorite Food- changes every day, usually peanut butter, eggs, cheese or chicken, rice and  beans
Favorite Show- Mickey Mouse ClubHouse, Doc McStuffins & Goldie and Bear, and Sophia The First
Favorite Song- "Needed Me"-Rihanna, "Child and Mother"-Nina Lee, "Cancion del Bebe"-Cantoalegre
Favorite Book- "Tails" by Matthew Van Fleet
Favorite Thing To Do- Dance
Favorite Toy- all stuffed animals 

& as for mama...

Name- Arianna Carolina Molina Cruz
Grade- First Year Masters Student
Favorite Food- sushi & rice, beans and chicken (like mother, like daughter)
Favorite  Show- (changes all the time) Kardashians, Power, Greys Anatomy 
Favorite Song- right now..."Party Animal"- Charly Black & "Cold Water"- Major Lazer & Justin Bieber
Favorite Book- all I've been reading are schoolbooks, but I was reading "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" by Lisa See recently and was loving it
Favorite Thing To Do- Play with Mila & cuddle with hubby
Favorite "Toy"- my new car hehe

With that being said can you believe there are only 3 1/2 months left of 2016 and Fall is officially here in just 6 little days!? Time needs to SLOW DOWN! Oh bittersweet September, how I love thee.

Off to eat dinner, sip some wine & play with my loves until hubby is off to work!
Happy weekend friends!

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