Life Lately

Happy Monday Loves!
It is an exciting day of firsts for the Cruz family which makes this Monday a lot more anticipated than usual. I'm finally getting my first "mommy car" today! I've been wanting an SUV for a while now and we've been blessed with the right opportunity and I'm so excited. I can't wait for all of our adventures to come in our new whip, including weekly trips to Target, the mall & hopefully the gym. It is also Camila's "First Day of School" (aka Day Care)! She will be going just once a week to have fun & socialize with the other children while mommy gets some work done. Thank God she will be with grandma all day since my mother in law owns the daycare (such a blessing for my mommy nerves). Life has been very busy lately with a little missy who is going through a clingy/needy/whiney/gets into everything/ but is still so freaking cute stage. Mila is teething & going through a developmental leap & it is definitely showing. I use the Wonder Weeks app, which I totally recommend, to keep up with her development. 
So here's what we've been up to lately...

Visiting the Children's Museum of Manhattan

 Playing outside & collecting sticks


Ice Cream & Jazz Concerts

 Fun @ the park 

Enjoying the city with my girls 

 Getting ready to go out for dinner 

Lots & lots of coffee

Morning @ the docs office 

Snackin & hangin outside 

Organizing my vanity 

 Going on lots of walks 


follow us: AriiiMoliii

Water Play


More park fun

Rosé in the city 

 Reading while mommy cooks 

 @ the park with Prima Tuti

 Posing before dinner

 Brunchin with my mommy in law

Loving our church Trinity Harlem

Exploring WashingtonHeights 

Loving rice & beans 

Not letting mommy get much done

Trying on(& loving) some possible Halloween costumes 

Car $hopping

Watching mom&dad play kickball 

Being the cutest little munchkin you ever did see !

& that's what we've been up to lately. 
Hope you enjoyed & have an amazing week ahead!
Lots of love & light,


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