Camila's Breakfast Faves

Hey loves,

Happy Humpday! I've been thinking a lot about toddler nutrition & meal planning now that Camila is officially a toddler. It's kind of scary that now that she is 1 most of her nutrition comes from real food & not just breast milk or formula. This makes me nervous because I want her to get all of the vitamins that her rapidly growing little body needs. Since toddler food is almost always on my mind I've been reading a lot about it & I am so thankful for other mommy bloggers and Pinterest for all of the help and ideas so far. I know how stressful and sometimes aggravating it can be when your little one just does not want to eat so I figured any little bit of inspiration can help a mama out. Here is a little round up of some of Mila's favorite breakfast meals and one of our newest dinner time creations... 
Peanut Butter & crackers, cut up strawberry and grapes, turkey spinach eggs (you'll notice eggs are practically in every meal because they are Mila's absolute favorite)
Greek yogurt, peanut butter, Cheerios, grapes, scrambled eggs with turkey bacon (I make the eggs with a bit of whole milk to make them extra fluffy) 
Avocado, cheese, strawberries, grapes, turkey bacon and scrambled eggs  
Avocado, Mangu (mashed plantains), Orange slices, turkey pepper scrambled eggs  
Strawberries, Mangu (mashed plantains), blueberry yogurt, hard boiled egg Mini Dinner for Taco Tuesday! Guacamole, tortilla chips, cheddar cheese, tomatoes slices, rice and ground turkey 

These meals were spread out over a 2-3 week period so she is not eating the same thing all the time & also because I am trying to give her a taste of everything so I can figure out what she really likes which so far it is very clear she LOVES eggs, peanut butter and Cheerios. Also, I tried giving her the tray to eat from and she likes to just throw it on the floor so I give her little bits at a time in her high chair tray which she can't just throw down, but hey at least it looks cute. I want to point out that she usually does NOT eat everything on the tray and sometimes I get frustrated when she literally only has 3 bites but I try to remember she is learning all about new tastes and textures and it can take up to 6 different times of trying a food for her to figure out if she likes it or not. Plus, her stomach is the size of her teeny tiny fist so she doesn't need much to fill her up. I will be doing some more Mila's Meals posts with lunch, snack and dinner options as well. I would love to hear some feedback and ideas on what else I could make for my munchkin. 

Wishing you a beautiful rest of the week!

Here is my cuteness at the grocery store helping me pick out all her fave goodies


2 commentaires:

  1. What a lucky little lady with a patient and creative mommy! Can you pack me lunch :p


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