Summer Bucket List

"Summertime & the living is easy"
This is our first summer in New York as a family of three & I definitely want to soak it all in and make the most of it. To me, summer has always been about staying up late, sleeping in late & pretty much living in the pool or beach, but now that I'm officially an adult (aka married with a child lol) summer is all about enjoying every moment and mostly thinking of any way I can make it super special for my hubby and baby girl. I am a firm believer that bringing joy & happiness to others is the best medicine for the soul, so any time I get the chance to put a smile on their faces is the best feeling for me. So here's what were trying to check off our bucket list this summer...

1. Most importantly, Camila's First Birthday (cannot wait to see her face when she meets Minnie Mouse)
2. One more trip to FL (you can never get enough fun in the sun so we're headed back to FL for my "little sisters" Sweet 16 & my cousins wedding and we CANNOT WAIT to get back for just one more week)
3. BBQ every chance we get (there's just something about grilling, sunshine, & a cold beverage that just hits the spot, & I'm SO looking forward to trying some new recipes)
4. Pool days (although I thought pools were practically non-existent in New York, I was so wrong, there are actually a lot of beautiful pools that open up during the summer and we definitely want to hit those up a few times)
5. Picnics @ the park (we have so many cute parks around our neighborhood, I definitely want to plan some play dates at the park with yummy treats included)
& for some grown up fun...
6. Six Flags- (Kingda Ka is calling my name)
7. Yankee Game- (must have experience as a "New Yorker")
8. Roof Tops- (so many gorgeous roof top views to be enjoyed in the city with my hubs)
9. Jersey Shore- (beach & boardwalk)
10.  Movie under the stars in a NYC park- (just like the movies, so romantic)

So those are our plans for Summer 2016 along with breakfast out on the back porch, listening to our summer playlist, tanning on the front lawn, rocking shorts & rompers and star gazing at night EVERY SINGLE DAY, oh sweet summertime how I love you.

Hopefully we've inspired some fun ideas for your summer! Please let me know if there is anything that we MUST try this summer in NYC.

Now we're off to get started on that list by firing up the grill, wine for me & grandmas, beer for daddy & ice pops and bubbles for Mila.
Happy 4th of July weekend loves!



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