Camila's Birthday Eve

Almost one year ago!
Hi loves,

It's the night before Camila's first birthday & I am a mess of emotions over here with the thought of my princess turning one tomorrow. It is such a great blessing and I am so thankful that she is turning one, but it is a bittersweet feeling. My little baby is no longer a little baby and is now officially considered a "toddler". As I rocked her to sleep today I just sat there and prayed as I always do, but I started thinking of all of the things that we have been through throughout this past year and it just made me realize how mommies are seriously super heroes. Whether it was the endless nights, exhausting mornings, poopie diapers and explosions up their back, spit up in our hair, cracked/bleeding/raw nipples, breast pumps and all their lovely parts, the rules of breast milk and formula handling, washing bottles day in and day out, sterilizing everything, checking if they're breathing at least 3x through the night, practically sleeping with one eye open, eating while standing up or while feeding them too, showering in 3 minutes with the monitor in the bathroom just incase, immediately fearing the worst when they are sick and shortly after becoming a zombie because there is no such thing as sleep when your baby is sick, literally calculating how many oz of liquid they've had so far so you can figure out exactly how much more they have to go, pureeing every organic food in the world, just to find out your baby really loves finger foods so much better and a lot of your hard work went to waste, making the silliest faces, noises, and just about ANYTHING to make your baby smile or giggle and of course the ongoing singing and dancing that makes every activity just a little more fun. The best part of all has to be the incredible bond you form with your baby and the immense amount of love you have for this being that you can't even put in to words. The closest I can get to explaining how I feel about Camila is that I would literally do anything and everything in the world for her and that by just looking at her I am the happiest woman in the world. With that being said, the baby stage has been the most beautiful experience ever and I am so excited for what toddlerhood has in store for us.  Wish us luck!


The party starts now as mommy & daddy start celebrating one year of parenthood with some ice cream cake & wine, CHEERS TO THE BEST YEAR!

A few of my faves of Camila's first week of life...
mi coshi

her first ride home

first smile

falling asleep after milkies

first bath

loved all the funny facial expressions

my tiny

how were you so small!?

my yumminess

look at that newborn peeling skin!

Queen of my heart

My Princess


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