Camila is 1 Year Old !

My Princess
This post is a little late, but better than never! With so much 1 year old celebrations & festivities we've been a little behind with uploading & posting. After all these months I can't believe I'm already saying my baby is 1 year old! I don't know how many times I've heard "it goes by so fast, so cherish every minute", but it is SO TRUE! I cannot believe a year has already gone by since that long, painful, draining day of birth of my princess. She has blossomed from a little, tiny, fragile, baby into a dancing, laughing, facial expression master of a little girl.  I am so thankful that I have my blog to log all of the new things going on in our lives and Camila's monthly updates are most definitely my favorite part. Going forward into toddlerhood I won't be doing monthly updates, but I will definitely keep Camila as one of the blogs fave topics. So here's what's new with my 1 year old princess:

Sleep: sleeping so good & it seems like even longer stretches of time. Sometimes goes down at 9:00pm and wakes up at 8:30am. Her usual is still 10:00pm to 8:00am, which I have no complaints about. Still sleeps 2 naps a day. Sometimes skips her second nap if we are out and about, but that usually means bedtime is earlier and will sleep a little later.

Feeding: drinks 5-6, 6 oz bottles of HIPP formula & about 1-2 oz of water with each meal. Eating 3 meals a day plus some snack in between. Loves strawberries, grapes, bananas, pineapple, eggs, cheese sticks, chicken noodle soup, rice, beans, bread, chicken, ground turkey, carrots, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower. 

Weight: 19.11 lbs 

Length: 29  inches

Diaper Size: size 4

Clothes Size: 12-18 months, shoe size 3

Hair Color: Medium Brown

Eye Color: Dark brown 

Milestones: has 15 teeth (4 molars) & 2 canines growing in,  I know so insane, says "Delilah", "papi",  sings along with songs, points to her diaper when she needs to be changed, does a fake laugh, gives kisses, blows kisses, dances to every song, waves & blows kisses to everyone in sight, makes a surprised face, takes 3-4 steps on her own, points to animals in books and imitates sounds, scoots and rolls all over the place, stands on her own for a few seconds then sits, nods "yes" and "no", makes number "1" with finger. 

Firsts: Standing up by herself in crib, cake smash, taking more than 2 steps on her own, birthday, fourth of July

Favorite Toy: Minnie Mouse & Daisy Duck, books, elephant rider, puzzles, bubbles, Sophie the Giraffe

Loves: music, "Needed Me" by Rihanna (actually sings along), dancing, clapping, saying "yay", blowing kisses, waving "buh-bye", feeding Daisy & Delilah, bird watching, swimming in the pool, popping bubbles, being tickled, giving kisses, watching herself in videos, looking in the mirror, picking out clothes, taking a bath, eating, shopping & making new friends

Fourth of July with Abelita

Happy Birthday Abelita

Loving the water with Abelita & Papi

My Sunshine

My Cuties

Watching her toonz on the way home

learning to stand up in her crib!


breakfast monster

pool party fun

Matthews Bday Party

Twinning with mama


with the bday boy!

Playdate Material 

My Coshi

Walkin & Talkin

Muahhh for Papi

same age, same stroller <3

playing while mommy cooks

taking it all in

mornings w papi

watchu looking at mama

w Tia Nina

BBQ W. Abelita

"I want some of that lipstick"


Love my Tio Luis



My Tias & Mami

Twinning w. primis Emma


posing for mama


The rain can't stop our shine

FL days with Abelita


with my prima Angie & Titi Jeanette

"I don't like these saline treatments mama"

some fruit on the back porch

trying on my sunnies

out for the day with mama

givin' some attitude


playing with primo <3

got my bubbles & my sunnies, life is good!


cuddling w Nina

Camila sandwich

eating my cookie & watching my toonz

yummy pearls

yay for cake!

love my balloons

practicing taking some steps


YAY I'M 1!



Angel face

standing by myself

dancing as always

loving my rice & beans

cake smash!

trying to share some cake with abelita

all for me!!!

"you want some mama?"


yay for cake!

"I'M ONE!!"



These pearls are yummy too 

"feels good on my teeth"





Cake smash success!


12 months!!!


Present from Nina & caked baked by mama

Wasn't really feelin pics today lol


LOVING her new smart chair from Nina

reading a book before heading to her splash pad

YAYY for some fun in the sun!

yummy, lets eat cake!

loves of my life

cutting her cake

makin a wish!

opening more presents from auntie & great grandma!
"Hey grams can I have some coffee?"

Abelita & Abue

Loving my new backpack!

Tia Milagros <3

yay for presents!!!

My Dearest Princess Baby Girl Camila, 

I don't have the words to express how much I love you and how grateful I am to be your mommy. This past year has been the best of my life because of YOU! In the midst of all of the craziness in this world, you bring me so much joy, so much love and so much hope. Because of you I believe that there is SOOOO much good in the world and I know that there is a light that shines in the middle of the darkness. You are my reason for wanting to be better and for wanting this world to be better for you. You are my sunshine and you light up each and every day my baby. I know God has great plans for you and because of that my heart is at peace because I know He will always protect, guide and love you. I am so proud to be the mommy of the most amazing little girl who loves to dance, sing, laugh and entertain others. You are so sweet and gentle, but at the same time feisty and determined and I love that about you. You are my sidekick & my bestie and we pretty much love all of the same things like reading, dancing in the mirror, eating goldfish and playing with Delilah. Every moment I spend with you adds years of happiness to my life. You are my greatest blessing and I promise to always love you and protect you no matter what.

Love always,

& a special note from daddy...

My princess, 
You are 1 year old! People say time goes fast when you're having fun, but really when you have a child time goes so freaking fast. I can't believe it at all, my baby you have gone through so much growth it's crazy to see how far you've come. You are so smart, so loving and so amazing to me, you have made this 1st year feel so awesome I have none of the usual complaints like, "my baby doesn't let me sleep, my baby cries so much" none of that has been an issue, that I really can't believe how much of an awesome baby you have been. What's most intriguing to me is how smart you are princess, you pick up on everything, the fact that you like to dance like mami and me, and how much you love music just like us assures me how special you are and how God created you for us. You are a blessing in more ways than I can say and I can't believe you are my little princess. I love you so much, and may God continue to bless you & us with your amazing attitude, amazing soul, amazing heart, and amazing smile, I love you so much I feel like eating you alive LOL. 

You are my heart and soul, my motivation and you deserve everything and anything you want in this world and all I can do is pray that I can teach you and help you know that anything and everything is possible in this world if you put your mind to it. 

Love Papa/Dada

Camila's Bowtique First Birthday Post!



1 commentaires:

  1. My two favorite pics (it was hard to choose) are the "walkin' and talkin" picture (sooo cute!!) and her big smile wearing her backpack with great-grandma!!! aye que linda!! oh and the letters at the end are so beautiful! She is blessed to have you two as parents!! Her life is abundant with love!!!!


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