Camila Carolina Cruz is 4 months old!

Hello dolls,

"I'm 4 Months Old!"

It's been way too long since I've posted, but what a better way to get back into the blog than by celebrating baby girls 4 MONTHS!!! I must say this has been the biggest milestone yet because I am now noticing how Mila is so much more of an alert baby than a little tiny newborn. As you know we have been SUPER busy moving to NY and setting up our new home but we are almost all settled in and loving our new place. I will be doing a tour of our home very soon, I'm just a little OCD and don't want to post till everything is almost perfect, but that might take too long so I will post gradually so I can document the progress. Let's just say moving with a newborn is no easy task but thankfully has gone really smoothly aside from her first cold (mommy was freaking out but we made it thru). Now for more about my precious 4 month old...

Sleep: still sleeping through the night thank God! Her bedtime has moved up to about 10pm and will sleep till around 730-8am! She is now sleeping in her own room (right next door to us) in her crib •, with her Doc A Tot of course & I wake up all night to stare & listen to her through the monitor. It feels so weird not having her literally right next to me, but I know this is what is best for her so she can start forming her independence *tear*

Feeding: Now exclusively pumping! Between the move & Camila becoming so alert & active she does not want to latch :( but luckily I'm still pumping enough to meet her needs for now! 6 months is my goal! Please pray we make it! 

Weight: She is now about 13.8 lbs!

Length:  (not sure will post at next doc visit)

Diaper size:  officially rockin size 2!

Clothes size:  3-6!!!! 

Hair color:  brown

Eye color: black

Milestones: holds head steadily, laughs at funny sounds & tickling, supported sitter, brings objects to mouth, making lots of new sounds, holds bottle with 2 hands. 

Firsts: first time on an airplane, first cold, first time sleeping in own room & crib

Favorite Toys: butterfly , activity center & teething rings 

Here's what we've been up to lately:

twinning with mommy
On the airplane on our way to NYC!
Abelita & me on  the plane
We made it to NYC
Meeting my cousin Scarlett for the first time
Meeting my Nina Emily
My welcoming party
in love with my daddy
hanging out with my grandmas
getting used to the cold
chillin with Abelita
loving this weather
meeting my new friend
"Que frio"
walks @ the Bronx River
walks with mommy
I love to smile!
waiting @ the DMV
silly faces
happy baby
fall fashion
love my thermals
daddy changing me
daddy love

Sleepover with Tuti
rockin my kicks
first night sleeping in my crib
not so happy before going out
love my new play gym
lookin cute @ the docs
rockin my cute PJs

& I'm officially 4 months!

Dear baby girl,

You are 4 months old & transforming into such a smart, beautiful, energetic, funny, charming and sweet little girl. I am so in love with you its crazy. I love that we are able to spend all of our time together. I love how you love to sing & dance and be tickled. You are so attentive and enjoy reading books and you absolutely love going on walks and being outside. I thank God every day for the amazing blessing of being your mommy. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you with all my heart and I can't wait to continue to see you grow and evolve into the beautiful human being God created you to be.

Love always,



2 commentaires:

  1. I absolutely LOVE your blog!!! My baby gurl :-)!!

  2. I absolutely LOVE your blog!!! My baby gurl :-)!!


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