Camila's Three Months!

Hello loves,

I can't believe it, but Camila is officially THREE months old! My princess is so smart, expressive, curious, giggly, smiley, cute & so YUMMY! She is getting on a much better routine & is seriously such a good baby unless she is sleepy or hungry is always smiling ! I am so IN LOVE & can't get enough of her. Obsessed with her is an understatement. So here are some updates on Mila:

Sleep: sleeps so much!!! Takes about 4 1 hour naps throughout the day & sleeps all night in her Doc A Tot inside of her Halo Bassinest from about 11pm-8am. Once she's up we nurse all morning till around 10-11 when we actually get out of bed and start our day by singing, dancing, and reading a book. 

Feeding: Still exclusively breast feeding, drinking about 4oz per feeding with 5 teaspoons of organic rice cereal about 4 times a day and that has helped her reflux a lot. We nurse all morning and sometimes at night for comfort as well. 

Weight: She is now about 12lbs, maybe more!!! 

Length:  23in at last doc appt!

Diaper size:  Still size 1!

Clothes size:  3 months! 0-3 fits snug & 3-6 a little big. 

Hair color:  brown

Eye color: black

Milestones: sleeps 8+ hours at night, holds her ball, tries to hold her bottle and paci

Firsts: Going to the beach, going to parties, giggling

Favorite Toy:RockARoo, ball , bouncer 

My dear baby girl,

You are growing so fast and I can't believe it. You are truly my best friend and my little sidekick. I can't wait for all of the exciting things ahead in your life. I promise to always be here for you and give you the best of me. You are so sweet, charming and special. I am so excited to see you bloom into the beautiful human being God created you to be. I love you with ALLLLLL my heart.
Love, mommy

Here's what we've been up to lately via the camera roll:

Rockin red white & blue
Selfie smile 
All my Tio's 
Meeting Lucas
All of my fall books 
Loving my RockARoo 
Lookin cute 
Shopping w Mami & grandma
I love sleeping w mama
First Beach Day
Tanning with my friend baby Daniel
Watching the Dolphins with my friend Greyson
Laughing with grandpa 
My cheeks are getting too big for this 
Looking at the fishies with Tio
Trying to pose w mama&Delilah
My first "BOO"
Pool party with mommy & daddy
Pool party with "Abelita"
@Church with mommy
First time @ church with mommy & daddy
Going away party with Titi & Emma

Now off to do some more packing!!! 
Love you all!


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