Moving to The Big Apple !

Cruz Party of Three


Hello loves,

Moving, packing & planning are officially in full effect. We are heading on up to NYC in 3 weeks! So much packing, planning (aka decorating ideas) and preparations are under way. One of my absolute favorite hobbies is decorating and this big move is the perfect excuse to decorate and brainstorm all of my fav styles. I love clean lines, white & gray and pops of soft colors. I definitely think less is more and I think simple and edgy are a great mix.  Here are some of my design inspirations for our new place:
love this look for the office/studio
Cant wait to put an ottoman and throw in our walk-in closet
love mirrored furniture & white couches
Need a white crib, chandelier & faux sheep skin rug for Mila's room
love love love this look for our room

I've been finding a lot of great deals at and like this GORG table for the living room:
& this beautiful rug for the living room too:

IKEA, Marshall's & Home Goods are also my faves for decor. We are certainly planning on taking our time decorating and finding the perfect pieces for our space, but the process is so exciting and fun and I love it!

Nevertheless, packing & moving with a newborn is NO JOKE! Thank God my mommy is my number one help & support while Jestyn is still in NY! He will be coming October 1st to help with all the finishing touches of the move & prep for the drive over to NYC on the 6th! God willing Mommy, Camila, Delilah & me will be flying up on October 10th. 

It is so bittersweet to think about leaving Florida, this will be my first time living with out my brothers and first time being away from my mommy since February so that will definitely take some big adjusting but I am so excited to finally be with my hubby and our little family together again. 

Here's a little bit of what we've been up to lately:
Rockin oversized bows
cuddling w daddy
indulging in our fav beverages
getting our passports!
milk happy
mommy's night out for my cousin Mari's bday
happy days

partying with gma

Diaper cake from my cuzzy

Now that moving day is so close I'm freaking out and would really love to see as many friends & family as possible so if you're reading this please hit me up ASAP & lets play before we leave! I love you all!

Fall is officially 3 days away! YAY!!!!!!!!

Sending lots of love & light!!!!


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