Camila's Two Months


Camila Stats:

Sleep: taking about 4 short 30 minute naps throughout the day, sleeping about 6-8 hours a night, sometimes waking up around hour 5 for a "snack" (short feed) & then going back to sleep. Has been sleeping in bed with mommy, but now started sleeping in bassinet again until she wakes up for "snack" & then stays in bed with mommy 

Feeding: Still exclusively breast feeding, drinking between 5-6oz! Has developed some reflux so we are adding 4 teaspoons of organic rice cereal to 2 of her bottles per day. We feed about 3 bottles of breastmilk & then nurse the rest of the day. 

Weight: She is now about 10lbs, maybe more!!! We will know for sure at doc appt week. 

Length:  22in at last doc appt, will know how much longer next week! 

Diaper size:  Still size 1!

Clothes size:  0-3, newborns are officially too small

Hair color:  brown

Eye color: black

Milestones: sleeping through the night (most of the time), holds head up during tummy time, watches TV, reaches for toys hanging above her

Firsts: Shots, wearing shoes, going for a walk, playing with your activity mat, eating rice cereal. 

Favorite Toy:RockARoo & Activity Mat

Here's what we've been up to:

Hanging with abuelita
Dressed in my Sunday best
Watching my baby first channel
sleeping with mommy
lookin' fabulous
Going on my first walk
Don't love getting out of the bath
being silly during my diaper change
im so cute
love my grandpa
grandpa love
love my oversized bows
being a good girl in my carseat
my first shots, OUCH!
Welcome home party @ grandpas
 My grandpa's love me
Missing my daddy
My sister doggie Delilah loves me
I love to smile
Mommy is my best friend
grandma  & me
givin some attitude
keepin cozy on a rainy day
Fall is almost here!
I love my cousin Angie
Titi  Mariel loves me
I have the best Tio's in the world
my favorite is to sleep on my mommy
My gma & tia love me
chubby cheeks like momma
I'm so pretty
Meeting my great grandma!
I love her!

My precious baby girl,

I can't believe you are already two whole months old. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I still can't believe you're all mine. You are so charming, curious, smart, cuddly and funny. You make the cutest noises and I swear you laugh at my silly faces. You are so expressive with your eyes and faces you make. I know you already have so much to say. I wish I knew exactly what you were thinking. You are my little sidekick and never want to be put down for more than 10 minutes. I made the best mistake of putting you to sleep with me in the bed and now I am trying to wean you (really both of us) off. You love to listen to music and see bright colors in your toys and the TV, but your all time favorite is just to stare at me and Abuelita and your tio's faces and smile and "talk" (coo's and ahh's) to us. You're such a sweet little baby, you just love to be kissed and cuddled and rocked. Our daily routine is getting much better slowly but surely. You are still eating every 3-4 hours, but at night after your bath and last bottle you're sleeping about 6 hours, wake up to nurse for about an hour and then back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. Hallelujah! You absolutely hate not being carried and I'm really trying to work on that, but it's so hard when all I really want to do is carry you too. We are so connected and I love it. You are my princess and the love of my life. I promise to never let you down. I love you with ALL of my heart & soul. 



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