Hello September!

Hi loves! We've been so busy around here taking care of Princess Camila, packing for NY, getting back to workout mode & getting so many little things done before the big move! My favorite time of the year is right around the corner and I can't wait to be extra festive now that I have even more of an excuse to decorate & make each holiday super special. We've already got a lot of our October/Halloween gear ready to go, now just have to start brainstorming ideas for Camila's very first Halloween costume. I can't believe we'll actually be enjoying the changing of the seasons in NYC this year. I am so excited/nervous because I know it will be beautiful, but hard to keep such a tiny baby warm in the winter.  Here are the five things we are looking forward to the most this season...

Fall Faves:
1. Pumpkin spice candles 
2. Candy Corn
3. Dark nails, lipstick, hair & clothes
4. Holiday movies
5. Cold, cuddly weather 

Ahh just talking about it gets me so excited!  

Here is a sneak peek into our October/Halloween goodies...
Mostly onesies, PJ's and leggings <3 (from Target, WalMart & Babies R Us)

Delilah & mommy goodies
Pumpkin & candle are from Target!

& here's what Mommy & Mila have been up to lately...
champagne nights
mani/pedi days
shopping with abuelita
loving my bobo's
before naptime

naptime with mommy
Ridin around 
Mommy is back to juicing
workout mode on!
celebrating abuelitos arrival
wearing orange because mommy is excited that September is here!

Mommy Tip:
Loving this post natal Vitamin from the same brand as my prenatals! Even helps with breast milk production, which all breastfeeding mommies know we can't get enough of. 
You can order this brand with a great discount at pharmaco.com

Sending lots of love, light & September magic your way!



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