Camila's One Month

Hello loves,

So every month of Camila's first year of life we will be documenting her growth and development through pictures, chalkboard and of course this little blog of mine. It is so exciting to already see how much she has changed in just one month. It is crazy how true it is one people say "they grow up so fast". She is already becoming a not so little chunky baby girl.  So here are some updates on Princess Camila...

Camila Stats:

Sleep: She is now taking about 3 naps thoughout the day about 2-3 hours each and sleeping between 5-6 hours straight. Hallelujah! This is great except since I am breast feeding I have to wake up and pump even if she is fast asleep  

Feeding: Still exclusively breast feeding, she is nursing a lot more lately ( growth spurts). It seems like she practically lives on my boobs lol We feed a bottle ( of my breast milk of course) about 1-2 times a day. She is now drinking 5oz in her bottle, but lasts almost 2 hours nursing sometimes so probably a lot more than that while on the breast. 

Weight: She is now 8lbs 13oz!!! That is 2 whole pounds heavier than at birth! 

Length:  Haven't measured her length yet... Will update next week. 

Diaper size:  Size 1!

Clothes size:  Still newborn

Hair color:  brown

Eye color: black

Milestones: lots of smiling, cooing, pushes up on her feet, more lifting her head and follows her toys with her eyes, belly button fell off. 

Firsts: Trip to the mall, first time in her baby wrap (loves it), rocking in her Rockaroo, first time in a bathing suit ! 

Favorite toy: Rockaroo & wubanub 
 My many facial expressions :)

haha silly girl
Im too cute
relaxing in my bathing suit 
I woke up like this
Hello grandma
princess bath
Good morning stares
I smile in my sleep
Off to the mall
I already love shopping with mama
I love my mommy
waking up Tio Adrian
My mommy & grandma LOVE ME
My Tio Bradley came to see me

My cousin Angie loves me <3

Grandma with her girls
making silly faces @ the docs
One Month photos
Uh Oh...

My dearest baby girl, 

There are no words to describe how much I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are such a sweet, smart and charming girl. I am so excited to watch you grow into the amazing, beautiful woman I know you will be. I love all the little sounds you make, your silly faces and how you can smell me when I walk in the room. I love how we cuddle and sleep together. You have completely changed my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you with all my heart and soul. Happy One Month of life my princess! 

Love always, 

Mommy loves you


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