What We Eat in a Day- Mommy & Toddler

I am pretty happy with our meal time routine lately & it's all about thinking ahead and meal-prep. Sometimes I do feel like my whole day consists of cooking & feeding Camila on repeat & it can be kind of hard to be cooking all day & not be eating all the time as well, but that's why when I make Mila healthy food then there's really no need to hold back (but we all know sometimes all Mila wants is bread, rice, & ice cream). So here's an example of what we eat in a day on a "good day" because we're going on vacation & Mama's working hard on eating right :)

Toddler Meals:


So first thing Camila drinks when she wakes up is an 8 oz bottle of almond milk :)

Once we've brushed our teeth and gotten changed we head to the kitchen & Mila snacks on some fruit while I get breakfast ready. I like to make a bunch of these little fruit cups in advance with a variety of organic fruits already pre-washed by me (her faves are strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, banana and apple). It's so convenient because anytime throughout the day I just take out a little container and I know she's having a healthy snack.

Today's breakfast was some tomato, avocado, 1 hard-boiled egg and half a bagel crisp with cream cheese.

Delilah is always trying to sneak in some breakfast too :P

After breakfast we head to the gym & Camila snacks on some puffs
and broccoli and cheddar bread sticks while she's there. Also, she drinks A LOT of water,
so I packed her 2 bottles of water just incase. (She is still not loving sippy cups, but we're working on it)


Once we get home from the gym it is lunch time! While I prep everything Camila is usually snacking on a cheese-stick (which I forgot to take a picture of, but we like organic valley cheddar cheese sticks).
Today's lunch is left over from dinner last night,
which is usually what I like to do. Tonight's dinner will be tomorrow's lunch and so on and so forth.
White rice, black beans, and baked chicken
(This is definitely one of Camila's favorite)

After lunch is nap time & Camila has another 8 oz bottle of almond milk.
When she wakes up from her nap she is quite hungry again
 & today's snack is carrots with hummus & water.

Dinner tonight (which I prepped while Mila was napping) is turkey meatballs,
baked french fries w/ ketchup and her favorite cucumbers with vinegar!

After dinner & bath we cuddled up to watch Moana (which I'm obsessed with) &
Camila drinks another 8oz bottle of almond milk before she's off to bed <3

Mommy Meals:
First thing I like to drink in the morning is a warm tea!
Right now I am working on kicking the bloat before my trip with a Flat Tummy Tea cleanse :)

I am working on low-carb, high protein, low sodium, no sugar right now so this is a breakfast fave!
2 Hard-boiled eggs, half an avocado and half a tomato with lemon

During my workout I drink lots of water & when I'm done I am usually pretty hungry!
This is my favorite protein bar and I eat this while I'm still at the gym (hence why it's an empty wrapper haha)

While Camila is eating her lunch, I enjoy my fave protein shake!
Vegan Chocolate from Shakeology :)
(ask me for more info. if you're interested)


Once Camila is asleep and I've picked up a bit around the house I am ready for lunch!
Today's lunch is baked balsamic chicken (from last night) & sautéed asparagus & a whole orange.

Peppermint tea is the perfect warm pick-me-up these days,
sometimes I'll have my tea with honey, but today opted out.

This was actually delicious & filling!
2 cups of sautéed spinach with garlic and olive oil, 3 turkey meat balls w/ a balsamic glaze,
other half of tomato & avocado and 1 fried egg with lemon.

For my snack tonight I really just needed some wine to help with studying for my midterm!

P.S. Throughout the day I drink about 3 bottles of water !

I hope you all enjoyed our little "What We Eat in a Day",  I love watching these videos on youtube, so I figured why not make it into blog form :)

We're officially off on our Spring Break extravaganza tomorrow. Today is all about getting all the little last minute things DONE! Wish us luck!



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