Camila's Christmas Wish List

So I've always dreamed of having a child so that I can wake up on Christmas morning and see their excited little faces when opening their presents and actually getting what they asked Santa for. So obviously Camila can't really write her own list or tell me what she wants, but I just know exactly what her little heart would LOVE. So here is what Camila is asking Santa for this Christmas ...

1. Play kitchen-because Camila is always with me in the kitchen while I'm cooking & loves to help me even if it's just pretending she's mixing something in a bowl.

2. Mini Baby Grand Piano-because she LOVES music and we're hoping to get an early start on growing and nurturing her natural love for it

3. Tee Pee- to hide all of her toys and just because she loves being hidden/covered anywhere

4. Mini Table with Chairs- because she's a big girl and is ready to eat, do crafts and play at her own little table

5. Pretend Make-Up- Mila really is my mini me & LOVES all things make up. Every time I'm getting ready she is right there beside me asking me to put on her whatever I'm putting on. It's seriously hilarious!

Kitchen, Table & Chairs, Piano, TeePee, "Make-Up"

We are so blessed and thankful to God to say that were pretty sure Camila is getting everything on her wish list this year! Thank you to her Titi, Tio's, Nina & of course daddy for making it all possible. Mommy might be more excited than Camila to open all these presents on Christmas morning. 

& here's a my little princess who has been so close to being switched to the naughty list this year, but then she just hugs & squeezes me and I forget all about it. 
My good girl

Happy Monday!
We're off to decorate our DIY ornaments, I'll be sure to post a pic & recipe on the next post.


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