Mila & Mommy's Faves

Happy October my loves! We've been quite busy over here with adjusting to hubby's new work schedule (he got a new job, yay) doing lots of homework & studying, a visit from my bestie, & of course lots of playing, reading, decorating, eating, cooking, cleaning, laundry ya know? The usual! I decided I wanted to round up some of Camila & I's favorite things to do together and just share how simple little things are just so much more fun when you have your mini me/baby/bestie/love by your side.  So here it goes...

1. We LOVE to match! Whether were going to the park, the grocery store or just out for coffee matching makes it extra special. Anytime we are wearing matching outfits it's bound to be a good day. Camila thinks it's hilarious when we look in the mirror and we are both wearing the same thing. She giggles & points and can't stop looking at us. It's the cutest thing in the world. I have to really get in as much of this as I can until she won't let me do this anymore lol. I'm so happy I'll have these memories to look back on though.

These shirts are SO PERFECT & describe us to a "T"!
They were a gift from my bestie Melanie and were OBSESSED!
Mila's shirt says "Big Bow, Minnie Mouse, Mommy's World #Princess"

My shirt says "Lipstick, Coffee, Leggings, #MomLife"

2. We LOVE to READ!!! We read at least 3 books a day (not counting all the ones we start &don't finish because little miss just doesn't want to sit through them). On special days I love to take her to Barnes and Nobles or  this cute little book store I found nearby. Mila really lights up when we're reading and I hope this is something she loves FOREVER! 
Barnes & Nobles Date

3. We LOVE to go shopping! Whether it be the grocery store to pick up some baking goodies or meal prep items, Target or even just the dollar store, anytime we hop in our car and get to a store we know we're going to have fun. We like to point things out and talk about them as we walk around. This is starting to get a little harder since she wants to practice walking everywhere, but still needs to hold my hand most of the time. Pushing a cart and holding a tiny little hand is not as easy as it looks.  
Target Run
Grocery Store run for some Cupcake making necessities! 

4. We LOVE to take bubble baths! It is so fun & at the same time relaxing to take a bubble bath together. We get to play and bond all while pampering ourselves. 

5. Last, but not least we LOVE snapchat! As funny as it sounds Camila is in love with all of the snapchat filters and voice changers. It is such a fun way to start the day or a nice way to cuddle when all she wants to do is run around. I love snapchat in general, so the fact that Mila does too is a WIN-WIN!!! 
This filter is ALWAYS on point!
Camila agrees ;)
Follow us: ariiimoliii

I hope you all enjoyed some of our favorite things to do together and maybe got some ideas for yourselves. Anything and everything can really be made into fun with a little one as long as you're together, that's all that matters. Please let me know if you have any ideas or fun things we should try! I'm thinking mommy/daughter mani/pedi's (aka painting her piggies) is next on the agenda! 

Wishing you a beautiful weekend ahead!
We're off to the shops today for some warm Fall Fashion & then checking out our local Oktoberfest! 
Mommy & Mini Fall Fashion update coming soon!



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