Much needed RELAXATION

Hi loves,

Follow us on Snap Chat: ariiimoliii

With SOOO much going on these past couple of months & now starting grad school, I've been wanting to compile a list (of course) of my fave ways to relax and relieve some stress right at home for little to no expense. Let's be honest...being a woman is NO JOKE, especially when we want to be the best in every area of our lives. It's not easy trying to balance all of our mommy/wifey/student/employee/family duties and still make time for ourselves, but we HAVE to! And to think that some of you super women do it all plus a full time job! I am in total awe and admiration of you the real MVP! Sometimes trying to get everything done on the "to do list" leaves us on auto pilot & we forget to really take life in and enjoy the little, special moments. I've found that when I don't take time to do the things that make me happy (like writing in my blog) I end up drained and not giving my 100% to the most important things. I've decided I want to challenge myself to do something from my "Relaxation List" at least 2x a week and I am already looking forward to it, so here it is...

Relaxation List:

1. Bubble Bath (this has always been my "#1 Go-To Relaxation", but we don't have a tub here so for now I day dream...)
This is how I dream my bath will be some day...image via Pinterest!

2.  Face Mask & Massage (hubby & I take turns and always fight over who gets to go last because usually last gets to just fall right asleep)
These are my fave oils from Victorias Secret & some of my masks I got in my IPSY bag.
The mask applicator brush & blemish remover tool are both from TJ Maxx (about $5.99 each)

Candle, wine, masks-HEAVEN

3. Trying a new recipe (Pinterest & Tasty are my fave places to find new recipes)
We tried this Mami Mahi Lettuce Wrap recipe from Pinterest the other day & it was AMAZING

4. Online shopping (if I have the extra room in our budget) OR Pinterest dreaming (when the funds aren't quite there) Here's the link to my Pinterest so we can share ideas :)

5. Burning a candle, drinking some tea & reading a book (even if it's just for 15 minutes)
loving peppermint tea lately
& this book is just right for my Japanese culture loving self 

6. Painting my nails
I keep my fave colors on my vanity in my room in this cute little jar for easy access

7. Listening to one of my fave playlists & finishing a page from my coloring book
Who knew coloring could be so relaxing!?
I got this coloring book @ Barnes and Nobles
& they have tons on the sales table!

8. Baking cupcakes (now that Camila can eat pretty much everything, this is so much more fun)
Chocolate fudge filled with Nutella & Cream Cheese frosting

9.  Diffusing some essential oils & doing some yoga poses
I love oils, I get the best ones from my bestie Nickie
& I've also found some great ones at TJ Maxx
As for yoga, I'll do my 21 Day Fix Yoga Fix if I have the time
 or I'll just youtube some relaxing yoga poses

10. Reading my bible, journaling & praying
Just opening up my bible, praying
& writing down some thoughts gives me instant clarity
& peace in less than 10 minutes

& all of these are even a little more relaxing if some wine or bubbly are included ;P

After a full day of cleaning, cooking, feeding, bathing, changing, playing, class (first week of grad school orientation has begun, pray for me!), laundry all with a baby following me around or on my hip this list sounds too good to be true. So cheers to finding those little moments when we can relax and tune the world out for just a little bit! Please let me know any other good ideas or tips for relaxing to add to my list because you can never have too many relaxing things to do.

Love & light,


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