We're in the double digits...Camila is 10 months old!

10 Months
Camila Carolina Cruz is officially in the double digits! Princess girl is 10 months old & talking up a storm. Camila is having conversations (a bunch of gibberish) with mommy, daddy, herself & anyone who wants to listen all day long. She always loves to "read aloud" and has quite the expressive tone of voice. It is so amazing to see how she develops day by day let alone month to month. This month the biggest milestone has definitely been verbalizing a lot more & copying my every move. Princess is sooooo anxious to walk, so that's pretty much what we do all day long...I hold her little hands and she walks all around the house (exhausted mommy, happy baby). Needless to say I can't believe my baby is already 10 months old, I mean I still remember when we just brought her home & she looked like this...
My teeny tiny little baby on the way home from the hospital
(seatbelt way too low #newparentprobz)

Now here's for some Camila Stats:

Sleep: sleeping a good 9-11 hours a night (loving just drinking her milk in mama's arms, being rocked for a few minutes & then just being set down in her crib, cuddling with minnie and she's asleep within 5 minutes) still 2, 2 hour naps a day

Feeding: Still drinking HIPP formula & loving rice, bread, eggs, avocado, hummus & now starting to like fruit & veggie purees again, loves her puffs & yogurt melts too

Weight: 18 lbs 

Length: 28  inches

Diaper Size: size 3

Clothes Size: 9-12 months, & shoe size 3

Hair Color: Medium Brown

Eye Color: Dark brown 

Milestones: has 7 teeth, loves clapping, saying "yay" asking for "mas" (more in spanish), blowing kisses "muuahhhh" with her hand, lots of mama, papa, dada, & gibberish, walking while holding hands, stands while holding on, scoots backwards all around the place, rolls everywhere, waves buh bye

Firsts: first time eating pasta, first time dancing salsa, first time at the zoo, first time brushing her teeth

Favorite Toy: puzzles, books & mickey mouse

Loves: clapping, "yay", saying "muahhhh", waving buh bye, reading books, mickey mouse club house, looking at herself in the mirror, singing, dancing, music 

So here's what Camila's been up to:

sleepy & cold

love my elephant

practicing crawling

favorite meal around here = pumpkin & eggs

cutie patootie

loves baseball


"how does my butt look?"

book worm

ready for Girls Day

I remember this "wubanub"


precious princess


loving my tios


watching mama do her hair

picnic with fur sister

chiquita banana




just the 3 of us

spring pics


model behavior



fun with grandma

yayyy for swings

pics with mami & papi

watching my toonz

walks with mama



look at the lions!


yay for new DockATot

love bfast outside

swings are the best

pink cheeks

suns in my eyes

crawling is no fun

Cruz Party of 3 Movie Night


love my bath

new kicks

brushin my teeth

my fave

out to party

dancing with papa

visiting Tia Telena

posing for mama

love my puffs


after my bath

shopping day

snuggling with mama

rainy day fashion
"I'm gonna be 1 soon!"

@ the docs



10 Months Princess

Princess Girl,

Words cannot describe how much I love you & love being your mommy. I am so excited to see you continue to grow into the beautiful little soul I know that you are. I thank God every day for you. I am so proud to be your mama & I can't imagine my life without you.
Love you with every beat of my heart


Now we're off to enjoy my very first Mother's Day weekend with extra cuddles & snuggles because it's cold & rainy and Mila has a cold.

God bless all you mama's doing the best & most important job in this world, Happy Mothers Day!



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