Morning Routine: Water, Devotional, Journal and Planner

Hello loves,

So as you know one of my New Years Resolutions was to strengthen my relationship with God and for me journaling and a daily devotional are the perfect way to do that. I love reading & writing so they are one of my favorite ways to connect with God. I start my day by drinking 20 oz of water while I change, feed, pray, sing and read with Camila (probably one of my favorite parts of the day). Once she is all changed and fed it is time for her "independent play" either in her play pen or her bouncer. She usually can play independently for about 15-20 minutes. This is my time to pray on my own, read my devotional, journal and check my planner/plan the day. This little bit of time sets the tone for my whole day. The Word of God is literally living water and it feeds my soul and gives me so much energy and hope and I can't stress enough how much I could not do life without Him. He is my strength, happiness, and joy and I am so thankful for that.  Once I'm done reading my devotional, writing in my journal about my reflection to the devotional and organizing my day in the planner I am recharged and ready to go. This is usually when hubby starts waking up and is on Camila duty while I start making breakfast.

So here's a recap:
20 oz of water, waiting for me on my
night stand right when I wake up
Devotional: Right now I am using the
daily women's devotional, so far  I love it.
I like to read the daily verse in my own bible & highlight and make any notes in it.
This is the same bible I've had since Elementary School.

Journal: I love this quote & I got it at Target.
I also use this journal as my food log throughout the day.
Plan: My handy dandy planner is from Target as well.
Can't live with out this baby. Organization is key!

So that is how our mornings run around here! How do you guys get your day going? I would love to hear some fun, new ideas.

Lots of love & light!


2 commentaires:

  1. Love your routine! Those are steps to success my love!

  2. Love your routine! Those are steps to success my love!


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